Live Video Chat 60 Minutes

Live Video Chat 60 Minutes

$ 100.00

Book your personal Live Video Chat 60 minutes with Kathye here. Ask your questions during the video chat. All in real-time.

Please provide a preferred time slot on CHECKOUT in the ‘Additional Information / Order Notes’ field. Don’t forget to add your e-mail / telephone number how to be reached on for instance FaceTime during checkout.


Live Video Chat 60 Minutes with Kathye

Book your personal Live Video Chat 60 minutes with Kathye here. Ask your questions during the video chat. All in real-time. Ask questions and immediately receive answers and clarification on personal spiritual subjects. Kathye will answer them and map out the appropriate steps to your goal if required. Obtain insights on yourself, other persons or situations currently blocking your path. Get a clear view of the steps towards your goal, explained by Kathye.

Would you like to receive answers and insights on certain spiritual or ‘bigger than life’ questions? Or would you like to order this for someone else?

By booking this (pre-paid) Live Video Chat you know what to expect. Kathye will be a listening ear and will deep dive on you questions.

Please provide a preferred time slot on CHECKOUT in the ‘Additional Information / Order Notes’ field. Don’t forget to add your e-mail or telephone number that you use with for instance FaceTime during checkout. You will receive the video call at the disclosed moment.

Would you rather not order a Live Video Chat?

I have other consulting options available. Pick your preferred option:

• Video Reading (more info / order now)
A recorded reading on video that will be available to watch on a private stream infinitely. Different subjects possible. Do keep in mind the amount of questions in terms of the ordered length of the video.

• Phone Consult (more info / order now)
A personal phone consult with Kathye. You ask questions on any subject and Kathye will point out the blockages on your path and explain them at the same time.


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